Another conversation gone
totally off the rails!

Why can’t we get on the same page?

Couples Counseling in Shreveport, LA

You meant well, but somehow your spouse went totally off on you.

Left feeling confused, bewildered and helpless, you wonder where you can go from here.

Everything you try seems to backfire, and just getting a conversation started is getting harder and harder these days.

Another night, going to bed angry, suffering the terse silence that permeates your home.

Getting your wires crossed can happen to anyone.

The following happened to a couple that came in to see me.

The husband was worried about his wife and during the holidays asked her not to take her purse on a girls’ Christmas shopping trip. She became outraged.

When they came to my office and we were able to process the fight, the miscommunication became apparent.

Clearing things up

She had received messages before that spending money was not okay and KNEW that was the hidden message.

Her husband had heard about another individual involved in a purse snatching. He did not want her to get hurt.

Communication can go all wrong when our past “pings” into the present, and old messages replay in our head.

A space to open up and truly be heard

Come to couples counseling and learn how to diminish these devastating moments in your relationship.

Learn the rules of engagement and how to calm down when you become too upset to talk and how to process the fight.

Find new ways to connect and increase your love for each other.

Call (318) 861-1090 to get your relationship on track and stop the miscommunication.