Trauma & EMDR
no… not again… No… NO… NOOOOO!!!!
You’re tired – no. Exhausted to the bone. But you’re not going to sleep.
No way. You’re not going to have the nightmare again.
Watching infomercials. Reading – anything. Scrolling your phone. You toss and turn. Toss and turn.
Dawn comes. The alarm sounds. You get up – still exhausted.
You go through the motions of the day, again. Eyes bloodshot, half-lidded. Head throbbing.
Flashbacks and panic attacks come out of the blue.
At night, the cycle starts. All. Over. Again.
When will this end????
You need help.
You’ve tried lots of things – even talk therapy – but nothing helps.
It’s time for something else, but what?
EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitizing and Reprocessing) is a form of psychotherapy that helps people of all ages who suffer from any type of trauma. The trauma can be a “Big T” or “little t.”
For a child being bullied at school, seeing a scary movie that causes nightmares, having a close relative die, or suffering an illness like asthma that made them fearful – all can cause trauma.
For adults, a car accident, serious illness, a storm or other life events that left pain can cause trauma.
EMDR typically works faster than traditional talk therapy by applying bilateral brain stimulation and focusing on the event.
Your feelings and beliefs about yourself associated with the event shift your thinking – so the memory stays – but the pain leaves.
You have a new thought about yourself regarding the trauma after the healing has begun. It might simply be, “It’s over,” or “I am not damaged.”
Whatever your thought, you have the ability to move forward.
Transcend the trauma – get your life back.
There is hope – contact us today.
We feel honored to guide you through your pain and into healing.