About Therapy
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Life as we know it is gone!
Are you feeling anxious about the future, finances, your health, and the people you love?
Will it ever be normal again?
Has depression set in as a result of the isolation?
Is it difficult to maintain relationships with social distancing practices?
Are you afraid for loved ones that whose health is already compromised?
Have you begun to see your child go through changes and difficulties due to the new normal? Will things ever
be the same again and what will the new normal look like?
Is sleep hard because of the thoughts racing through your minds?
So many questions, so few answers.
Therapy can help.
Therapy will increase your level of self-awareness; so, you can have more control over our life.
You will learn tools to use to improve your life.
It is possible to live a more joyful and balanced life even in these uncertain times.
Contact me so we can get started working in a collaborative way.