Where did “we” go?
What happened? When you first got together, you both knew you’d found “the one.”
You could finish each other’s sentences – hours felt like seconds – except when you were apart. Then, you couldn’t wait to be together again.
You loved each other. Supported each other. Listened to each other. Made each other laugh.
Everything was in sync. Your thoughts, goals, dreams – desires. You trusted each other. Life was richer because it was something you shared.
And so, you did it. Made a commitment. You knew it was the right thing to do.
Yet, something’s happened.
Lately, there doesn’t seem to be a “we.” You feel alone. Distant. Isolated.
That communication doesn’t work anymore. It’s been replaced by frustration and misunderstanding.
The fun you used to have – it’s gone. And the laughter? Rare, at best.
Something’s come between you two. Life. Chores. Bills. Taxes. Work. Kids. Family. Stress. It’s eating away at that connection you once had.
Sometimes, you just feel like you need someone to talk to – because you can’t seem to reach your partner anymore. You just need to feel heard, cared for, needed. So, perhaps you go outside the relationship to get those feelings.
And now you’re drifting even further and further away. But you haven’t forgotten.
You both want to fight your way back to the connection and trust.
But how???
Couples therapy works.
You need a place that’s safe, comfortable, and free from judgment. A place where you can be vulnerable. Where you can put the negative parts of the past behind you and work to rebuild your future.
Together, we’ll get down to the core of what caused the shift.
Then, we’ll begin the healing process and learn skills to keep it from happening again.
As you work together, you may find your relationship grows stronger, deeper, more fulfilling than it’s ever been.
Reconnect. Rediscover the loving kindness and passion. Build a stronger foundation.
We’re honored to guide you through the pain and into healing.
Reach out to us today! Let’s start working your way back to each other and mending the bond so you can meet life’s challenges together.