What Clients Are Saying
“I just wanted to tell you what a HUGE difference I have noticed in _______ since coming to see you — he truly seems like a completely different child and it makes me love my job so much more now. THANK YOU!” — From a client’s teacher
“I appreciate all your help and care. I could not have made it without you.” — From someone going through a divorce
“Wow! What a difference getting your mind on something exciting and productive does for your outlook on life! …I’ve gotten to do some pretty awesome things lately, and I wouldn’t have been able to make it without you.” — From a young adult
“I just wanted to thank you for helping me for all those months when I was in need… Thank you for all of your caring and listening.” — Former adult client
“I have seen a lot of therapists and received years of therapy, but you have helped me more in just a few months…” — Client dealing with childhood abuse issues
“We have been to a lot of different therapists… What a difference it is to get to the right person… We appreciate you so much.” — Clients raising a grandchild
“I want you to know how much I appreciate what you have done for _______. Your counsel with him has made a noticeable difference in his attitude as surgery approaches. I recognize what you have done for him is invaluable… from one mother’s aching heart to another… THANK YOU!” — Mother of a client dealing with anxiety from surgery
“My daughter was experiencing a great amount of difficulty when we first came to see Kim. She had been crying each morning before school for quite some time. She didn’t want to go. She didn’t want to be away from anyone she loved. She was terrified something was going to happen to one of us. To make matters worse, the following summer her great grandmother died, who she was extremely close to. I thought the new school year would be a new start for her but not long into the year, she began her crying spells again, literally crying herself into physically being sick. This went on for what seemed like weeks. She had missed so much school and had been to the doctor so many times, I decided to bring her to a therapist, hoping this would help. After she began seeing Kim, I wished I had brought her much sooner. Her whole outlook changed. She began looking forward to seeing Kim to talk and the incessant crying stopped. She learned to deal with her anxieties, and today she is a happy healthy nine-year-old who will even go by herself to school. Before, if her sister didn’t go, she didn’t want to go. I am so grateful to Kim and the therapy sessions for giving me my little girl back. And if she ever develops problems in the future, I will not hesitate to bring her back.” — Mother of a former client
“Kim, I appreciate our appointments so much: you are calm and right on the money with your questions. I feel I am being asked the appropriate ones to help me grow, maybe really get past this stuff that I’ve known on the periphery but not been able to do anything about. Plus, I am enjoying my little Charlie (this card is for him and for all of your dogs and all of us who own them who can identify with their shenanigans)! Thank you so much, Kim. I hope to learn form you so I can be as good as you one day. That is a tall, tall order.”
‘The services we received from Shreveport Therapy have been the best we have ever had. You are our hero! There are not enough words to describe appreciation for the work you have done with__ (our child) and family.”